Urine Derrived Stem Cells

Stem Plus is world's first private bank to store urine derived stem cells

Urine Derrived Stem Cells

Our ancestors knew the therapeutic properties of urine and used it as a part of ayurvedic treatment. With ever advancing research and technology, new avenues of obtaining stem cells are being discovered. Apart from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, Stem cells can now also be obtained from urine. Lang R,Liu G,shi Y,Bhardwaj Sand others were the first to isolate stem cells from urine. These urine derived stem cells are of endothelial and mesenchymal lineage and hence has the capacity to differentiate into cartilage, osteocytes, muscle cells or myosites, urothelial cells Etc .these Exfoliated renal epithelial cells" can now be used to obtain stem cells from urine which is basically a biomedical waste.

Cells isolated from urine has progenitor cell features and the potential to differentiate into several bladder cell lineages and hence Urine derived cells could serve as an alternative cell source for urinary tract tissue engineering and reconstruction which can be used to treat many urological diseases like kidney failures, urinary incontinence, nephropathies, diseases of bones and muscles etc.


Collecting urine sample for isolation of stem cells is very easy and can be done by the individual himself.One the person is enrolled,a collection kit is provided to the person.The kit contains a Sterile bag in which the person collects 24 hours urine sample, a thermocole box,and detailed instruction about collection of sample in a sterile manner.The sample is then transported to the lab for processing.


The urine sample is centrifuged and stem cells are obtained by a special technique developed at stem plus for isolation.


The stem cells thus obtained are stored at stored at -196°C in liquid nitrogen. These cells can be preserved for years without deterioration and can be used as and when required.since liquid nitrogen itself is at -196°C at room temperature, preservation is not dependent on external mechanism of coolings and thus deterioration due to power failure is not a risk at all.